Thursday, 20 September 2007

Is knowledge power?

Good evening!

Been doing a bit of reading with regards to Anti-HIV treatments. There is a lot of information out there! However, I feel compelled to read at the moment, I mean I am going to have to start taking these drugs at some point in the future so I am going to want to know as much as possible. Aren't I?

If I am honest, the more I read, I am not too sure! For every positive I read there is always a scary negative, usually concerning some undesireable side effect. Now there are a lot of reports into how Anti-HIV drugs, when taken at the right time and with a near religious adherance, can allow a person living with HIV to have a near normal life-span. So what do you do!? OK, so the drugs, when needed are going to be the life-saver, the prolonger of life. However this still does not stop you approaching them with some trepidation! This is why I ask is knowledge actually power?

We have pals who are HIV positive too and they have said that try to steer clear of reading about the drugs. After reading what I have (and this is only the tip of the iceberg!) I am inclined to agree!

Mentally, I am prepared for the Anti-HIV treatment; I think only a fool would not be, but there are still those niggeling little doubts. How will I cope with the side-effects when you have to be so committed to your treatment? Its not like having an odd reaction to a parecetamol! Chopping and changing the Anti-HIV traetments can help the HIV build resistance to the drugs and when that starts to happen the goal of an undetectable Viral Load slips further away.

From our discussions with the Doctor at the clinic along with some of the stuff I have read, you can also take drugs to combat the side effects - I guess that is some comfort to the 'mind-fuck'! I am just scared I am going to rattle just as much as the pill box I will have to carry!!!!!!

Looks like 'His Knibbs' and me have a huge journey ahead of us!

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