Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Seeing as there as been such a gap since my last regular entries, I still have a few follow up posts to make.

When I was discussing my disclosure dilemma I guess I failed to take into account the depth of friendship and maturity of my co workers! Anyways, one by one over the last few months I have discussed my status and have to say I have been overwhelmed by the support I have had! I should point out that I work in a very masculine industry, so disclosure of my HIV status was, in my mind, going to be an issue - where has my homosexuality never has been, not that I wear my sexuality on my sleeve anyway!

Anyway - the long and short of the matter is the guys I work with have just taken the news in their stride and have been so unbelievably supportive it was a little overwhelming!

It took a great deal of soul searching on my part - 10 months of it to be exact! But it has been one of the best things I have done. Now the guys show an interest in the condition and my treatment, not in an overly intrusive way though. I guess the fact that some of them are single (and all straight) and are quite sexually active with different partners, it has given them food for thought. So much so a couple of the guys are arranging to get tested themselves!

That makes me feel kinda good about myself as I have managed to raise awareness of the dangers of HIV and unprotected sex! More awareness means a lowered risk of infection and the more people who are aware of HIV and the fact that they are taking steps to avoid infection can only be a good thing. Now they have an awareness and understanding they will pass this on to their friends and the message gets out there!

A job well done!


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